Turn your ambitions for change into actionable strategies for impact



You know where you want to go, but you need a plan to get there. Whether you need to understand the landscape, identify targets, set priorities, or make an action plan, we can help you chart a path forward.

  • Strategic planning and process facilitation

    Issue landscape and prioritization

    Power mapping

    Campaign planning and execution


Sometimes you need more information to set your strategy or make your case. From literature reviews to new research, we can help you find, collect and package the information you need to make progress.

  • Expert Analysis

    Empirical Research

    Literature Reviews


Policy speak is not a native language! We can help find and assess proposals, translate your goals into policy asks, or develop the collateral you need to make your case to those in power.

  • Policy research, analysis, and design

    Issue briefs and fact sheets

    Public testimony and talking points


Nobody wins alone. Whether you need help finding allies, building coalitions or collaborating with the friends you already have, we can help you align all of your stakeholders in support of shared goals.

  • Stakeholder mapping

    Outreach and relationship building

    Collaborative process facilitation

    Coalition building and management