Writing & Research

Stay in the loop about opportunities to build a new world of work.

Newsletter topics vary, but generally focus on public policies to support people as whole humans who do all kinds of labor—paid labor, care labor, creative labor, community labor—you name it.

Join us in exploring new approaches to support human flourishing of all kinds.

Recent Posts

I’m so over benefits
Althea Erickson Althea Erickson

I’m so over benefits

Our language shapes the mental models we use to understand the world. And sometimes that language does more harm than good. We need to stop talking about "benefits" when we talk about the basic protections everyone needs.

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Why is 'starving artist' even a thing?
Althea Erickson Althea Erickson

Why is 'starving artist' even a thing?

The phrase "starving artist" is so ingrained in our culture, we take it for granted that arts work must be precarious work. But would that be the case if we actually built and wielded collective power among arts workers?

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The new independent contractor rule is a bit of a nothing burger
Althea Erickson Althea Erickson

The new independent contractor rule is a bit of a nothing burger

The new independent contractor rule is out, and it doesn't really change much. So why is everyone freaking out about it? I explore all the fuss, along with the ways we need to rethink our whole strategy around worker protection and classification in the first Working Matters newsletter.

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A New World of Work
Althea Erickson Althea Erickson

A New World of Work

Working matters, and it matters a lot. But the way we work is not serving many of us. It's time to build a new world of work that prioritizes the well-being and dignity of each of us as whole humans.

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Protections for All
Althea Erickson Althea Erickson

Protections for All

Sometimes when we’re living inside a system, it’s hard to imagine what an alternative could look like. Bringing together independent workers from across sectors helps us imagine a world that truly works for all workers.

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